Frequently Asked Questions - Orders
Online checkout is quick, convenient, and 100% secure Order anytime: 24 hours a day, 7 days per week!, Receive an instant order confirmation, Online orders are sent directly to our warehouse for priority processing, Tracking information is automatically emailed when order is shipped.
We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, Amex, e-transfer, Bank Transfer.
Shipping time will vary depending on location (typical transit time is 3-7 business days inside the lower 48 states).
Tracking information is provided via email, typically within 24-48 hours of your order being placed online. The tracking information will be located on your final receipt/invoice.
Freight and shipping damage shall be reported to CWS within three (3) calendar days of receipt of goods. It is the purchaser/customer responsibility to note any damage before signing the delivery receipt. If damage has occurred to the outboard, purchaser shall make note of such before signing for delivery. Customer shall not refuse delivery of the outboard based on damage. In the event of shipping or freight damage, customer shall keep and safeguard all factory packaging, including, but not limited to, all external packaging, all internal styrofoam, bubble wrap, and cardboard supports. In the event a product was damaged during shipment and proper and timely notification was given to CWS, CWS will file a damage claim with the carrier. Damage or loss of goods that are outside the control of CWS is not to be considered basis for waiver of the cancellation and refused shipments provision contained herein.
Your new Tohatsu will include a warranty registration card in the box. This form should be completed and mailed back to the manufacturer. You will need the following information to complete the card: Dealer Name: Pre-delivery inspection forms do NOT need to be completed for outboards below 25hp. Outboards 30hp and smaller are factory tank tested prior to being crated. CWS will register the warranty for your outboard for the following manufacturers: Mercury, Suzuki, Honda.